The show is about - as it sounds - 1963, a time of revolution in the U.S. and key historical events. The assassination of JFK. A number of significant civil rights movements, including the March on Washington. A time of struggle and growth for women's rights. I even learned quite a few things.
The show was amazing and a bit of an emotional roller coaster.
The portrayal of the commitment by those who fought for the rights of all people during that time made me proud and inspired. The fact that such inequality existed made me disappointed and uncomfortable. An old clip of the news announcing that JFK had died pulled at my heart. And the recognition of those who sacrificed their freedom and their lives for the cause of equality and peace - and those injured or killed as innocent bystanders - well, I don't really have the words.
In addition to the storyline, I'm (again) in awe at the talent of the youth who perform in YPC performances. This organization and those who participate in it are truly wonderful and have done another great show with another great message. This time "Be the change!" Although there has been progress, there is still work to be done.
To say the least, I was moved and impressed. This show is still happening next weekend (Feb. 15-17) and I highly recommend you see it. It's only $12 and is worth much more. And, if you don't want to go alone, I'd go again. Just let me know!
Visit the Revolution '63 web page for more details.
And, if you're interested in seeing YPC's next show, Free to Be You and Me, I'll be going in May. And I'd love it if you'd join me.