It's been a few weeks since I've been able to post, or do much of anything for that matter... and it feels good to be back. A while ago, Keith had said I should try making
almond joys sometime, so I looked around and found a few recipes and
went with this one. The only changes I made to this were:
- used half milk chocolate chips and half bittersweet chocolate chips instead of all bittersweet (did you know
that mounds are milk chocolate and almond joys are dark?)
- rolled into balls and dipped in chocolate rather than cutting and dipping
They actually taste a lot like the candy and were very good. They are dangerous to keep in the house, because you'll just want to eat them. I recommend them for bringing to a party or family gathering. We try not to keep this kind of stuff in the house, so typically I'll make it, we'll eat one or two, and the rest go to my office for co-workers. I was told that a colleague said 'those were disgusting... in a really good way!' So, take that how you will.
ha ha!
After I got done, Keith said he probably would have just made bars out of them - which would have been useful information before I spent the time dipping them, but such is life! I'm interested in your thoughts on what could go on the bottom of bars for these. Graham cracker crust? chocolate cookie crust? not sure... I'll have to try that next time. :)
Almond Joys5 oz. sweetened condensed milk
1 tsp. vanilla extract
2 c. powdered sugar
14 oz. bag of shredded coconut
12 oz. bag of milk chocolate chips
12 oz. bag of semi-sweet chocolate chips
Whole almonds
Mix the vanilla and sweetened condensed milk together. Sift in the powdered sugar, a little at a time, into the milk mixture and stir until smooth. Stir in the coconut - a firm mixture will form.
Pat the mixture firmly into a greased 9x13 pan. Chill in the refrigerator until firm. Remove and roll into small balls and place on parchment paper. Put an almond on top of each.
In a double boiler over hot (not boiling) water, melt the chocolate, stirring often. Place the chips in a bowl and heat for 1 minute on high: stir, then heat for 1 minute more.
Set each coconut ball onto a fork and dip into the chocolate. Tap the fork against the side of the pan or bowl to remove any excess chocolate.
Air-dry at room temperature on parchment paper or, if too warm in the house, place in the
refrigerator to cool and store.