So, what has been going on? Well, we've spent some time on the lake.
I've been spending a lot of quality time with my Nook. Some favorites were The Help, the Hunger Games series, and The Front Porch Prophet.
We enjoyed the 4th of July Family Fun Fest!
I saw Bill Clinton speak at the commencement for the university I work at.
I puppy sat for some friends. Meet Tex. He's the smartest, sassiest dog I know. (OK, maybe he doesn't look very sassy here, but he totally is.)

And I went to our family reunion (it's every 3 years, and I've missed the last two - see above about having summer back...) And now I'm on the committee for planning the next one.
And we did some family four-wheeling...
To a bridge that my great-great grandpa built in 1910... (is that the right number of greats??)
And, I'm back - and I feel like I'm on top of the world.
I plan to get back to regular posting now. Hopefully there will be some fun stuff coming soon! This Saturday I'm attending a photography seminar to learn how to use my camera's features properly. Sunday I'm going to a fringe festive play written by a colleague of mine (Change Agent - check it out). More to come!
Oh, and speaking of photos, I linked up this week to Ma Nouvelle Mode's Summer Lovin' photo contest. :) Thanks to my college buddy Laura @ Life with Laura for sharing.
Hope you're Lovin' Summer, too!
p.s. if you want to receive an e-mail notification when I post, you can subscribe here. Subscribers are neat. And so are you. Coincidence? :)
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