

I'm so excited for this weekend and I'm not sure why, exactly.  I've been looking forward to this all week and have been feeling all week like this is THE weekend that I will be super productive and get a lot of things done that I need to do that are unrelated to work... and have some fun in between. :)  There is a list of things I plan to accomplish (in no particular order except the first two):
  • pick up champagne and orange juice for brunch (mimosas!)
  • have brunch with friend Kim and her family (yeah!)
  • get my hair cut (it needs it desperately)
  • hang out with other friends
  • get shoes
  • get a new computer bag (it turns out that slamming the plastic piece on your bag strap in a car door will ruin it... but it's at least 1.5 years old anyway)
  • peruse fun things at the office supply store
  • find a couple of sweaters
  • pick up other necessities for which I currently have low/nonexistent inventory
I'm sure I'll think of some other things, but that's a good start.  What are you planning to accomplish this weekend? 

Wishing you all a safe and happy new year's eve.  I'll talk to you next year.


  1. BK, I've been purging my entire house for the last week - never felt so good in my life, I swear! My friend Shannon and I did almost the WHOLE basement in 2 hours the other day, my bedroom is SO close to being spotless and the closet only containing things that I actually wear (what a concept, right?), the home office is workable and on the 'hit list' for being 100% organized (files and shredding papers are the worst!) and I'm working on the pantry and linen closet now (well, not technically right now since I'm on Facebook, but relatively speaking - I've been up since 7am!). My friend is coming back tomorrow to help finish the basement, which is only my storage room in which most things are already pretty well organized, just too much stuff and time to get it out!

    I'm on track for the entire house to be filled only with things that have a purpose and a place in my life by Sunday!!

    Well, you did ask what I was going to get done this weekend...there you have it! lol


  2. wow, I'm not going to be as accomplished as you, Brenda, or your friend A. Holy cow. I just plan to continue scanning old family slides, read, watch a dvd or two, and maybe even clean out the pantry. It needs it badly and I'd love to get it done before I move. Speaking of, I should at least look seriously at packing this weekend, seeing as I am moving Wednesday! And of course NYE party tonight and Rosebowl party tomorrow :).

  3. Holy cow, AA - my productive weekend just became a small series of errands compared to yours! lol good for you!!!

    Laura - that sounds productive, to me. But yes, you should probably think about packing if you're moving on Wednesday! wowza! :)


Comments are always welcome - so please let me know what you think! The feature is a little funny on here, so sometimes you have to click a few times to submit. I appreciate you taking the time!